Beginner Project #2:
A Tied Headband

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Add some glamour to your nighttime face cleansing routine with this tied headband.

Skills Taught

  • How to tear & press fabric for grain perfection

  • How to staystitch

  • Reinforcing corners

  • Making & Turning points

Supplies & Tools Needed—download and the print list

  • ½ yard 60 inch wide fabric

  • Matching thread

  • Straight pins

  • Steam iron & ironing board

  • Fabric scissors

  • Tape measure & yardstick

  • Measuring gauge* (optional)

  • Point turner* or pencil

    *Affiliate link—As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Prepare your fabric

1. Cut your fabric across the selvage, 6 inches down from the top edge.


2. Tear along the grainline across the width of your fabric.


3. Iron torn edges flat.


4. Fold fabric in half to match selvage. Line up the top and bottom edges and press to restore grain perfection.


4. Cut the bottom edge of the selvage and tear along vertical grain line.

Repeat on the other selvage.


5. Staystitch ¼ inch on short side of headband.

Repeat on the other side.


6. Staystitch ¼ inch on long side of headband.

Repeat on the other side.


Make the headband

7. Fold the headband in half, wrong side out, and pin along open edge.

Press the length on the fold.


8. At the middle of the headband, measure and mark a 4 ½ inch opening.

Make sure to use a water soluble pencil or marker.


9. At the end of the headband, fold the bottom edge towards the fold to make a triangle.

Hard press along the folded edge.


10. Unfold and cut on fold line to form a point.


11. Stitch ¼ inch from the open edge of the headband towards the point.

Backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam.

Repeat steps 9, 10, & 11 on the other side.


12. Starting at the slanted edge, stitch ½ inch down the long side of the headband.


13. Continue sewing down the length of the headband, removing the pins as you come to them.

DO NOT SEW OVER PINS! They can jam your machine and cause mechanical problems.


14. When you get to the chalk marking, backstitch the seam.


15. Lift the presser foot and cut the threads.


16. Line up the presser foot at the second chalk marking and start sewing ½ inch to continue seam.

Backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam.


17. Trim the seam of the pointed edge ⅛ inch from the outside edge.

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18. Trim the corner where the stitch line intersect, as close to the stitches as possible.


19. Trim the length of the headband ⅛ inch from the outside edge.


Finish the headband

20. Pull the headband through the opening so the right side of the fabric is on the outside.


21. Insert the point turner, into the opening in the headband and slide it to the pointy end.


22. Poke out the points of the end of the headband.

Repeat on the other side.


23. Fold and press along the seam line so it lies flat.


24. At the opening, fold the fabric edge under to match the seam edge and press.

Repeat on the top side of opening.


25. Pin to hold the seams in place.


26. Edge stitch ⅛ inch on side of the headband with the opening.

Backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam.


27. Fold the headband in half and fit to your head. Tie the ends in a bow or leave them hanging over your shoulder.


Yay! You did it!

Now tie that bow, snap a pic, and share!

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Hi, I’m Toni. I teach creative gals how to sew—no experience needed!